Are you about to create a favicon or a set of icons? Well, then you are probably searching for some online tools or a list of software in order to create some beautiful icons. Look no further than this list of favicon generators and icon creators. This is the ultimate list of tools, utilities, and software for generating these pesky little icons / favicons. –(free)
A new web 2.0 feel favicon generator with preview function.
Favicon2dots -(free)
unique Japanese favicon creator from any website URL.
FaviconTool- (free)Flavicon –
A favicon is that stylish little icon that is displayed in your browser next to the website address (See the sample picture above). If you’re wondering where the name came from then its short for “Favourites Icon”. Its called that because if your visitors add your site to their favourites then it will also shows up on their list making your site stand out that little bit more.
The easit way to convert the images they also offer custom favicons service.
Favicon Generator and Gallery –(free)
GENERATE your own Favorites Icon for your website and view a gallery of some of the ones that have been created. –(free)
A favicon (short for “favorites icon” and also known as a page icon), is an icon associated with a particular website or webpage that is displayed in the browser address bar next to a site’s URL
Webscriptlab Favicon Generator (free)
Create transparent favicons with transparent png or gif file. Put your mouse on the download button and Press Right Mouse Button and “Save as…”
Favicon Generator Tool (free)
This tool lets you upload an image (JPG, PNG, or GIF - 100KB max), and easily convert it to a standard 16×16 favicon.ico file for display on your website.
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